The Great Battle Of The Universe Wiki


Zandar Alvena, Emperor of the Zandranian civilization, is an Alverian living in the Zandrania System, 53.9 light-years from Earth. He became leader of the Zandranian civilization, not long after the death of his father, Emperor Boran Alvena'ora. His brother, Borana Alvena, became Emperor of the Alverian Federation. Zandar was given title as a King during a time when his father was ill and was not fit to lead the Alverian civilization. Zandar is married to Empress Rinavonia Zandrana Alvena. After some time after Zandar Alvena ascended to the throne as Emperor, the Zandranian civilization broke free from colonial rule, became independent and re-established to a Kingdom again as Federal Kingdom of Zandrania. Before colonial rule, his mother, Fedania Alvena'ora, was Queen of the Kingdom of Zandrania until former Alverian Emperor Boran Alvena'ora married her and she became Grand Queen of the Alverian Federation in a union with the Zandranians.

The relationship between Zandar and his brother became very hostile when Zandar decided to break apart the union between the Zandranians and the Alverians and himself to leave behind the Alverian civilization and join together with the Zandranians to become their Emperor. His wife, Rinavonia Zandrana Alvena, who is a Zandranian, became the Empress of the Federal Kingdom of Zandrania.
